A cut above your average hotdog place, Junkyard makes a terrific chili cheese dog (which they call the 'TulsaPup') and offers an amazing variety of choices beyond that including Brats, Hot Links, Italian Sausage, Chicken Sausage and more.
Phoebe and I got Tulsa Pups, plus Phoebe got a Brat dog. We were accompanied on this trip by our dear friends, Harald and Hortense. Harald ordered the "Spitfire" which is a hot links dog with hickory sauce and jalapenos. A few moments later, he turned red in the face and began perspiring. We inquired if the dog was hot (we are highly prescient, after all) and he replied, "No. Well. . . maybe a little." Yes indeed. A little.
The walls are painted black with chain link fencing in front, barbed wire above and auto parts attached to it for an authentic "junkyard" ambience lacking only the smells and the dirt. The Tulsa Pups were $1.47 and some of the "fancier" fare ran all the way up to $4.77. Open 10 am to 8 pm Monday-Saturday.
Good food and great conversation with friends. It was a delightful evening.